Friday, December 30, 2005

Matt Maxwell Creative Launched

To ring in the new year, I have launched a new expanded self-promotional site. The new site, showcases not only my work found on, but it also work in progress and projects that are stuck in various levels of approval. It has new work in all categories and has two new categories, Advertising and Creative. These two sections have been added because I am discovering lately a new passion for advertising. I have also created a PDF portfolio in the Contact section. The site is password protected to safeguard privacy of some of my customers. If you would like access, email me and depending on who you are, I will give you access.

"Apprentice" Book

I just finished watching The Apprentice on DVD and it was not only entertaining, but very good instruction on how to be a leader and a model employee. I took a ton of notes as I watched it, but then I ran across this book which does an excellent job at articulating the principles taught in the show. If you find you have some rough professional edges that need smoothing, I highly recommend this book and watching the DVDs.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

King Kong Video Game Rocks

I played this for the first time today and it is amazing. I have never seen such realistic effects in a video game. I have a new subscription to GameFly and it's my first game. I am going to start renting games instead of buying them. Gamefly lets you keep them as long as you want and they even give you the option of buying the game at a nice discount.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Crazy Christmas Party

In case you have never seen this done before, you cover up the upper-half of your head and put a face and hat on your chin then let your head hang off a sofa. Basically anything you say or do from that point is hilarious.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

New Joseph Smith Film

There is a new film about Joseph Smith playing in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building Legacy Theater in Salt Lake City. It paints a very good portrait not only of Joseph Smith, but his wife Emma and the other early leaders of the church. I thought it was better than Testaments and Legacy, which are previous films that have played there. What was amazing to me was the new digital projection system that they have installed. This is the first movie to go digital and the detail is very rich. If you can get tickets, I highly recommend it.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Where is Jingle Bell Elf?

I have had a surprising number of people ask me this year when I would be sending out the next installment of our adventurous hero, Jingle Bell Elf. Sadly, the company that usually hires me to do this yearly game no longer exists. It has been absorbed into something else and has a new owner. So, I am not sure if I will do another installment before Christmas. In the meantime, if you would like to relive a past adventure visit Happy holidays!