They need some new hardware to prevent them from wrapping around the poles, but they look pretty good.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Sunday, July 07, 2013
Neumont "Terry" Award Winner
This happened a few weeks but I thought I would add this to my blog. It was a surprise and an honor to get to keep this on my desk for the next three months until I hand it off to the next honoree.
Taken up Fly Fishing
I caught one of the largest fish ever on my first fly fishing excursion. I'm hooked and obsessed now. This brown trout was 13.5 inches, very healthy and fat.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
MTV Nitro Circus Season 1 Animations
Here are all 50 of the animations that I concepted, designed, and animated for MTV's Nitro Circus season 1. I do four short animations for each episode. Best project ever! Now, on to season 2...
I will be a speaker at Flash Camp St Louis

I am really excited to be a headline speaker on September 11 at the Flash Camp St. Louis. It will be held at the City Museum (a very cool St. Louis attraction that I have only seen in person from the outside). I have a bunch of ideas on speaking topics and I am planning to compose a new designminstrel song especially for the event. Wish me luck.
Monday, February 09, 2009
iLife '09 - Buy It.

I just installed iLife '09 on our Macs and it is much better than expected. The top feature that is getting all the buzz is the facial recognition capabilities in iPhoto. It is amazing. Much better than the Apple hype. I had each of my kids spend about a half hour teaching iPhoto how to find their faces and my whole family photo library of about 25000 photos is now indexed. Because I am the only male in my family, iPhoto had the easiest time finding my face. I am surprised how well it works. I bought the family pack which includes 5 licenses for the latest OS X (so I could update my older G4 Macs), iWork (my wife loves Pages already), and iLife.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
My Design/Animation Work on New Nitro Circus MTV Series

My creative work finally premiered on MTV tonight as part of the new Nitro Circus TV show. It was cool to see my name in the credits and to see my creative work on shuch a big stage. For the past few years I have worked with Godfrey Entertainment (creators of Nitro Circus) doing package design and menus for their DVDs, Posters, an award-winning website, and a newly redesigned website. They have always been a great client, letting me have 100% creative freedom. Six months or so ago they got noticed by MTV, who decided to produce a series. I had done some animations for one of Godfrey's DVDs which got noticed by MTV and they now have me doing short cartoon animations for each show. It's a blast.
You can find all my design and creative work at
Here is the best part: my name in lights on MTV:

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Design Minstrel - Pop Idol

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Flashforward San Francisco 2008

Update: FlashForward is almost over and it has been pretty good but I learned very little about the hands-on stuff though (notice my absence of notes compared to last year). Somewhat good on the inspiration side, but overall, I like the old 3-track format better. There wasn't enough how-to information this year. It was much too general.
I am singing in a few hours and I'm not sure how it is going to go because two minutes isn't very long.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Featured in .NET Magazine

I stumbled across this magazine article in .net magazine issue #168. Nitro Circus was highlighted! Here is the text:
Nitro Circus is the home of Travis Pastrana (American motocross and X Games legend) and his films of crazy stunts. Its the first site to use Matt Maxwells own 3D engine, and it sets a new benchmark in 3D Flash graphics and its use in depth of field. The site has a suitably daredevil look, particularly with the dynamite motifs and motorbike parts strewn across the digital landscape, and the 3D engine serves as a way of manoeuvring through the sites sections. Its an ingenious and gorgeous-looking approach to navigation, and something thats sure to catch on in web design styles. No longer is the menu system a 2D affair; visitors really can move through virtual spaces. It looks very much like the tabletop designs that are so common today, but it takes the experience further.
Featured on Communication Arts Home Page

Well, my late nights howling into my webcam have paid off. I have been promoting my new site as a creative/promotional expression. I wrote a song about Communication Arts Magazine and they featured it as a news item on their home page! Thanks CA. Thats 3 times I have had them recognize me in their prestigious world. The first time it was a letter to the editor blasting a sleezy Corel ad. I tore it out and mailed it to them - with magic marker written across it: "You can have this back. If I see it again in your publication I will cancel my subscription. I also sent a letter separately and they published in one of their issues. The second time was their "site of the week" on their home page. And this third time makes me happy. ...If only I could now get my design work printed in their pages...
Monday, August 11, 2008
Design Minstrel

Many of you who know me are aware that I have been taking voice lessons for a year or so and some of you have already had the occasion to be assaulted by my amateur tones. Well, I have decided to redirect all my passion for design, Flash, and tech plus my blossoming vocal agility (sarcasm there) into a new site called I'm not sure why I am doing it, other than I love to write - and sing - and design - and this seems to be a way to combine all those things. Check out my songs and tell your friends!
Monday, July 28, 2008
John Mayer

Why You Should Always Wear the Wii Strap
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
St. Louis AIGA 13 Honors

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Vista Bites, Welcome Back Mac

Poor Microsoft. They really have a crappy product in Vista. I liked it at first, then it started getting slower and slower and buggier and buggier to the point where it became unusable. The last straw was when all my contacts got corrupted and there was no way to restore them. I had virus protection and I faithfully backed up my files using Second Copy, so I had all my work data. My new Mac can run Windows XP seamlessly using VMWare Fusion - and get this - it runs Flash animations faster than my windows PC did. So after about a year I put my PC up on eBay and I am back to Mac. I am back in the fold.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
2 Weeks In
1. You may notice from the aerial photo that I am very comfortable - especially now that my armrests are (inventively, I might confess) covered in cotton socks. I highly recommend it.
2. Nap time. My iPhone has a great timer. When I feel a little sleepy, I just set my timer for 15 minutes and sit back in my nearby La-z-boy. No worrying about what the boss will think.
3. The view is great. My office has a nice big window that overlooks the Aspens in my yard and Utah Lake in the distance. I had actually forgotton that birds inhabit our surroundings and that clouds move.
4. The commute is now about 12 seconds (versus 45 minutes).
5. Work hours. I get up at 6am, work til I feel hungry, go downstairs and eat breakfast and spend time with Jami and do whatever I damn feel like until I feel like working again, work some more until I'm hungry again, eat lunch, work a little more and hang out with the rest of the kids when they get home from school, watch TV with Jami happily laying on my chest, then I eat dinner. When I feel like working again after the kids go to bed I work into the evening until I reach a stopping point and eyes start to glaze over.
6. Technology. I have the perfect setup. I have one computer. Everything works. If I need something I buy it.
7. No design by comittee. I am a team of one - plus client. No internal concensus building, no gossiping, no territories.
8. Almost the entire budget goes to creative. Less than 5% of my time goes to administrative tasks. No extra people using up the budget.
9. Hygeine optional (I know- this one's kind of gross)
10. No intercom
1. ... ummm... hm... I have to pay now to enter award shows and to go to conferences! -I knew I could think of one!
Josh Argyle Photography

This is the first site created in Flash ActionScript 3. I had to completely rewrite my Flash 3D engine from the ground up. I haven't mastered AS3 yet, but I have crossed through the most intimidating initiation phase. It's quite different from the old versions of Flash, but now that I am into it, I could never go back. I am committed to only work in AS3 from this point on.
This site took about 4 working days to complete and is 100% dynamic. The photographer can edit and re-arrange the photos.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Going It Alone
Well, I have decided to leave Richter7 and open a Flash design company. I have number of great clients who will get much more of my time now. They have all now been promoted from "Freelance Clients" to "Clients". Thanks to everyone who inspired me and for giving me the support to make this difficult decision. I will miss everyone ar Richter7, but look forward to working at home. My doors open officially on May 19th.
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