Saturday, August 23, 2008

Design Minstrel - Pop Idol

So, my regent obsession with writing songs about Flash and ActionScript 3 made me an idol tonight. I introduced the entire audience of FlashForward (+-800) to Design Minstrel. They liked my first song so much, they demanded an encore. We had a great time. It was a huge rush and therapeutic because I have really put a lot of effort into getting up to speed on ActionScript 3 and even though my songs are meant to be funny, they are written about stuff I really care about. It was a rush to make so many people laugh.

1 comment:

uni said...

I just stumbled across your "Actionscript 3 is going to kill me". Haha, in the midst of trying to destroy my keyboard over a ReferenceError, it totally cracked me up. I got some strange looks around the office but I guess that just serves to confirm their suspicions that there's something wrong with me.