Friday, July 23, 2004

Seattle Design Conference - DAY 3, Afternoon

IMAGE OPTIMIZATION [frontent, vd] ****
-good review of save for web in Photoshop and Imageready
-learn how to use alpha mask compression

-a guy from Adobe showed a lot of workarounds in Photoshop that are ten times easier in Fireworks has a cool flash based slideshow called simpleviewer

FLASH VIDEO [vd, frontend] ***
-good info here
-65% of users have flash 7
-3 ways to do flash video: 1. inside Flash, 2. Flash Video exporter plugin for video apps, 3. Sorensen Squeeze (SQUEEZE IS BEST)
-make flash frame rate match the video frame rate!! or the sound won't sync.
-2 pass compression recommended
-import the FLV into a movie clip - not on the main timeline
-look into behaviors palette in flash to see what it can do
-look at the video component
-showed his isight live video inside of a SWF. GOTCHA this doesnt work if the SWF is narrower than the size of the contextual menu inside flash

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