Monday, October 10, 2005

Newsweek Cover Story about Mormons

Newsweek did an interesting cover story about the history and teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is pretty balanced and seems even to favor the church, where in 1997 there was another cover story on Time magazine that was entitled "MORMONS, INC. The Secrets of America's Most Prosperous Religion." which was more negative. Trumpeted Time: “The church's material triumphs rival even its evangelical advances.” They estimated the Church’s worth at about $30 Billion.


Anonymous said...

It did not sound balanced to me at all. It was a PR piece written by a member of the cult which regurgitated the stuff she learned in church as if they were facts.

Fastest growing? Not remotely. Its not even growing as fast as world population is growing. Why no mention of the millions of mormons that have quit in the last ten years and are still included in the 12 million number. Or the dead people they count until they trun 110 years old? Or the people they include that were never baptized at all?

And she starts her story off with the bogus "first vision story?" Hello - any type of fact checking would have shown her that that story was made up more than a decade after the convicted con man, Joe Smith, said it actually happened. Then he told so many different stories the mromons didnt settle on an "official" version until 1842.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bitter born again to me!

Anonymous said...

NO WAY! Oh no, let me get out fast! 10 different versions?! You mean he told different people different aspects? Wow, I'm done for...oh wait, I've heard this all before many times. Thanks for the played out pseudo-warining though.

Anonymous said...

So, I'm glad that you feel it's necessary to voice your opinion in such a negative way. There are more constructive ways of going about false information. (If it was even false at all.) But, I guess that's why we have the first amendment, huh?

Anonymous said...

You know it is funny to me how quick people are to judge mormons, and how mormons TRY not to judge others.

All of you people ranting and raving about it not being true and its a cult and a big lie. Let me guess you knowledge of the LDS church. You have heard about if from so and so.

That's fine to have your own opinion, but the truth is you have never been to an LDS function nor learned from and LDS leader you have heard this and this about it.

Sit back and say all you want. Its not hurting us at all. You believe what you believe and let us believe what we believe....

Aaron Loewer said...

I like the energy of the bloggers on both sides. Buuuuut, those who are negative toward the LDS church should really find some better sources for their data:

1. Millions of members who have quit?? Source?

2. Dead people still in the record books? Source please. Did you work for the church records department? Then I'm sorry about your recent termination...

3. Dead people who were baptized? (Insert source here) The membership number would be way higher than a paltry 12 million if your lame, unsourced data was correct.

Here's an analogy for you - the bird who rides upon the back of an elephant, while eating little fleas. The point? The bird needs the elephant to survive. The elephant barely knows the bird is even there...