Tuesday, April 12, 2005

SF Flash Forward Conference - Wednesday April 6

Made You Look Again - Stefan Sagmeister
-Very creative (and sometimes crude) approaches to design
-This guy liked himself a lot

While standing in line at California Pizza Kitchen we met two guys from Punchcut, a SF design studio. Both guys were BYU graduates and LDS. I had a long conversation with Joseph Pemberton who is the creative director.

TEL. 415 445-8855

Flash Video In and Out (two sessions)
-Very good introduction to get started using Flash video

Best Practices Experts Panel
-Robert Reinhardt www.themakers.com/
-Brendan Dawes www.magneticn.co.uk/
-Chris Georgenes http://www.mudbubble.com/mad2005/main/mad_2005.htm
-Joey Lott http://www.person13.com/
-This panel was very good. Each designer gave their list of rules to live by

We went to Fisherman's wharf and ate at Neptune's palace and watched the sea lions bicker with each other. Afterwards we took a cable car ride back to our hotel. Kim made the mistake of talking to a homeless man carrying a large, live chicken. He made some colorful remarks. I guess we were walking through a bad part of town. It was a rush.

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