Thursday, August 04, 2005

Siggraph - Wrap Up

Well it is over and my head is full of virtual reality. I look forward to interacting with the real world again.

Here are some thoughts that I am coming away with:

-All technology always moves toward reality.
-The future of the Web is all about users contributing content and helping you build your site. Users will be more and more empowered to create their own high quality content. Our job is to provide a place for them to put it.
-Graphic design is one of the core skills that will survive through technological evolution. The tools and media will change but design, typography, and storytelling will not.
-The future belongs to those who do the whole enchilada. Specialists will always need to be looking for their next specialty.
-Process kills energy and innovation. Innovation and greatness usually happens when the rules are broken and a risk is taken.
-Having one person in charge of a project is better than a committee where negotiations sap time and energy.
-Rushing into new processes and technologies should always include a careful study of the craftsmanship of the past and why things have evolved to their current state. Disney Animation will succeed in CG because they are listening to their traditional animators and lessons learned from decades of experience.
-People have nice skin in LA.

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