Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Vista Bites, Welcome Back Mac

Poor Microsoft. They really have a crappy product in Vista. I liked it at first, then it started getting slower and slower and buggier and buggier to the point where it became unusable. The last straw was when all my contacts got corrupted and there was no way to restore them. I had virus protection and I faithfully backed up my files using Second Copy, so I had all my work data. My new Mac can run Windows XP seamlessly using VMWare Fusion - and get this - it runs Flash animations faster than my windows PC did. So after about a year I put my PC up on eBay and I am back to Mac. I am back in the fold. 

1 comment:

nate said...

I knew you'd be back eventually! I only wish you woulda made the switch when you still worked here. Then maybe I'd be enjoying a nice iMac instead of this pc I'm on right now.